
December 10, Korolczuk on Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Movement

Please join us Friday December 10 at 2pm (New York Time) when our speaker will be

Elżbieta Korolczuk, University of Warsaw and Södertörn University

Prof. Korolczuk is a sociologist, commentator and women’s rights activist working at Södertörn University in Stockholm and at the American Studies Center, Warsaw University. She analyzes social movements, civil society, reproduction and gender. Recent books include a co-authored volume Bunt Kobiet. Czarne Protesty i Strajki Kobiet (2019, European Solidarity Centre) and a monograph Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment  with Agnieszka Graff (2021, Routledge). Her workshop session will be based on her collaborative research with Graff.

2pm to 3pm (New York Time) on Zoom:

Zoom link:

Workshop format: We ask that participants read the paper in advance. Please email Mara Lazda [email protected] for the paper. At the workshop, Prof. Korolczuk will provide an introduction (5-10 minutes) after which participants are invited to ask questions based on the introduction and paper.

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