
Spring 2011 Call for Papers

New York University 
    Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
    and the Network of East-West Women

 Fridays 4:30-6:30 p.m
 at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies

New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)

      The Gender and Transition Workshop at the NYU Center for European and Mediterranean Studies invites speakers to submit proposals for talks for  Spring  2011. The topic can be about any issue on gender in relation to east and central Europe and the former Soviet Union, including the Baltic countries and Central Asia or in relation to other parts of Europe. It should not be a general topic; it should cover some specific area of research, activism, or expertise, for example (but not excluding related topics) on gender and NGOs in the region, on gender policy in the region, on feminist political theory and the region, on current political and economic developments and the region, etc.

       We CANNOT cover transportation expenses to New York City, so the speaker should be someone who is or expects to be in the New York area. We can, however, offer an honorarium for the talk.

       All proposals are welcome, both by women from the region and experts from the U.S. or elsewhere. We invite activists as well as scholars and researchers.

       The workshop is a small, informal, and friendly group of about 20 feminist scholars, activists, and journalists that has been meeting for more than 15 years. We have general background information, so general talks are not relevant for this group.

       If you would like to present a talk for this workshop, please e-mail one of the following two workshop moderators:
Nanette Funk, [email protected]
and Janet Johnson, [email protected]

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