
First talk of 2012-3: on Roma women

New York University

Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
and the Network of East-West Women

 present the
Gender and Transformation: Women in Europe Workshop

September  28
Natasha Lamoreux, MSc, Center for Global Affairs, New York University; 

Independent human rights consultant
“The Hated Poor in Crisis: Roma Women as Reproducers of a Despised Class”

Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.
at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
New York University

285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)

Follow Natasha on Twitter at!

Natasha LamoreuxNatasha is a graduate of New York University’s Center for Global Affairs (CGA) where she earned a Master’s of Science in the Human Rights concentration, with focus on women’s human rights, gender equality, and empowerment and engagement of women and other marginalized communities. She completed her graduate thesis on linkages between the Roma Women’s Movement and Western Liberal Feminist movements as a means to dismantle endemic ethnic discrimination in Europe. Natasha spent three months serving as the Human Rights Education intern with the European Roma Rights Centre in Budapest, Hungary while researching this subject.  Additionally, Natasha served as Human Rights concentration leader for Lysistrata, the Gender Working Group at the CGA.  Natasha writes and contributes to various sites including the Atlantic Community and, and currently works as a Human Rights and Gender consultant for various organizations including UNICEF and  Natasha currently resides in Brooklyn, New York.


Fall 2012 schedule

September 28

Natasha Lamoreux, MSc, Center for Global Affairs, New York University, Independent human rights consultant
“Hated Poor (in Crisis): Roma Women as Reproducers of a Despised Class”


October 12

Ana Lukatela, PhD Candidate in political science at University of British Columbia, Programme Specialist in Peace and Security Cluster at UN Women
“Women’s Mobilization in Tajikistan: Navigating  between the State and Religion”


November 9

Anna Hájková, PhD candidate, History Department, University of Toronto
(winner of the 2013 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship)
“Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide: Negotiating Sexual Economy of the Theresienstadt Ghetto”


Dec 7

Jane Gary Harris, Professor or Russian Literature and Culture, University of Pittsburgh
“We are not all Buranovskie Babushki: Gender, aging, and social policy in Russia Today”


  Fridays, 4:30-6PM
at NYU’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies