
Friday, Oct. 4: Eliot Borenstein on Post-Soviet Masculinities: Sex, Power, and the Vanishing Subject

Eliot Borenstein is Professor of Russian & Slavic Studies, Acting Chair of East Asian Studies, and Senior Academic Convenor for the Global Network at New York University. He also contributes to the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia’s All the Russias blog. 

Pronouns: he, him  

4:30-6 p.m.
Center for European & Mediterranean Studies at NYU
53 Washington Square South, 3rd floor

All are welcome, but please RSVP: Janet Johnson [email protected]


Fall 2019 Workshop Schedule

Please join us for the Fall 2019 series

Gender and Transformation:

Women in Europe Workshop

 NYU Center for European & Mediterranean Studies

Fridays 4:30 to 6:00pm

October 4

Post-Soviet Masculinities: Sex, Power, and the Vanishing Subject

Eliot Borenstein

Ph.D. Slavic Languages and Literatures

Professor of Russian and Slavic Studies, Collegiate Professor,  New York University

October 25

Feminism in Independent Ukraine: From an Allergen to the Last Hope

Oksana Kis

Ph.D.  History/Ethnology

Senior Research Associate, Senior Scholar Department of Social Anthropology Institute of Ethnology national Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

November 8

   Resistance, Activism and Feminist Art in the GDR. Visions – (In)Visibilities – Commodification

Elisaveta Dvorakk 

PhD Candidate in Art History and Theory of Photography

Department of Art and Visual History | Centre for transdisciplinary Gender Studies 

Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany

December 13

 From Homophobia to Homonationalism… and Back?: Russian-speaking LGBTQ Migrants in New York City in the Pursuit of the American Gay Dream

Alexandra Novitskaya

Doctoral Candidate

Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, State University of New York at Stony Brook

Visiting Scholar, Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, New York University

Workshop Location:  

  Center for European & Mediterranean Studies at NYU

  53 Washington Square South, 3rd floor, 4:30-6 p.m. 

All are welcome, but please RSVP:

Mara Lazda [email protected]

Questions? Contact Mara Lazda or Janet Johnson [email protected]