
Call for proposals, Spring 2018



“Gender and Resistance in Europe”

NOVEMBER 10, 2017**

GENDER and TRANSFORMATION: WOMEN in EUROPE Workshop—a project at New York University with support from the Network of East-West Women—invites speakers to submit proposals for Friday afternoon talks for the Spring semester at the NYU Center for European and Mediterranean Studies.
As usual, we are looking for speakers to discuss gender, sexuality, or women in Europe or Eurasia. For Spring 2018, we are particularly (but not only) interested in speakers addressing
resistance to the many threats to gender equality and gender studies in Europe, such as
— “anti-genderism,”
— attempts to roll back gender equality policy and practice (such as on reproductive rights and gender violence),
— attacks on gender studies,
— gendered attacks on refugees and asylum seekers.
the relation of anti-women/anti-gender and anti-immigrant campaigns,
analysis of these movements, as part of right-wing populism, nationalism, or the global right, addressing such questions as
— How has the right organized its campaigns?
— What is the relation between the anti-immigrant and anti-gender campaigns in EE?
— In what ways has the history of fascism in Europe played a role in these developments?
The workshop’s focus is on the postcommunist countries of East, South, and Central Europe, and the former Soviet Union, including the Baltic countries and Central Asia, and their relationship to Europe and the European Union. We are interested in papers on these issues in western European countries and Turkey as well. We are also interested in comparative accounts.
Recent workshops have included such topics as critique of law faculties in Eastern Europe, women’s protests in Poland against banning abortion completely, and anti-genderism in Germany, Moldova, Armenia, and Russia. Recent speakers have included Dubravka Ugrešić, Katherine Verdery, Hana Havelkova, and Barbara Havelkova.
The workshop is an informal and friendly group of about 20 feminist scholars, activists, and journalists who have been meeting for more than two decades and are knowledgeable about the region. This is the perfect space to present recent theoretical and/or critical work, empirical research, and critical and scholarly reflections on your activism.
We offer a small honorarium. We regret that we cannot cover transportation expenses to New York City or offer assistance for visas or accommodations.

To propose a talk, please e-mail the following to Nanette Funk ([email protected]) and Sonia Jaffe Robbins ([email protected]):

•  a title for your talk
• an abstract of less than 200 words describing your proposed talk
• a one-page curriculum vitae or resume.
• your schedule clarifying which weeks or months you plan to be in or near New York City and would like to present

All proposals are welcome from the region and experts from the U.S. or elsewhere, activists or scholars. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Book launch Friday, Oct. 13

Janet Elise Johnson, Professor, Political Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY

“The Gender of Informal Politics:

Russia, Iceland and Twenty-First Century Male Dominance”


Co-sponsored by the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia

Friday, 4:30 to 6:00

CEMS, 53 Washington Square South, 3rd floor (new location)

Janet Elise Johnson is Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College, City University of New York, and Visiting Scholar, Center for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University.  Her books include Gender Violence in Russia: The Politics of Feminist Intervention and Living Gender after Communism.  In the last few years, she has published articles in Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Social Policy, Politics & Gender, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, and Signs: Journals of Women in Culture and Society as well as online in The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, Boston Review, and The New Yorker.



First workshop this Friday, Sept. 8 at 4PM at Jean Monnet Center

Barbara Havelková
Shaw Foundation Fellow in Law, Lincoln College and Faculty of Law, University of Oxford

Book talk: “Gender Equality in Law: Uncovering the Legacies of Czech State Socialism”

Session Chair: Grainne de Burca,  Florence Ellinwood Allen Professor of Law &  Director of Jean Monnet Center

Discussant: Melissa Feinberg, Associate Professor of History, Rutgers University

Co-sponsored by The Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law & Justice

Friday, September 8, 2017
4:00pm to 5:30pm
Jean Monnet Center
22 Washington Square North

Note: Special place and time
All are welcome!  Please RSVP to Mara Lazda ([email protected]) Janet Johnson ([email protected]) so that we can put your on the list to get in the door.

Barbara Havelková is the Shaw Foundation Fellow in Law at Lincoln College and Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. She teaches EU Law, public law, human rights, comparative equality law and feminist jurisprudence. Her research concentrates on regulation of gender during State Socialism and in post-communist transition in Central Europe.

Barbara completed her first degree in law at the Charles University in Prague, and also holds an LL.M. from Europa-Institut of Saarland University and a DPhil from Oxford. She was previously a lecturer and fellow at the University of Cambridge and visited several law schools as a guest researcher, including Harvard University and University of Michigan as a Fulbright scholar.

Barbara acts as an advisor to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on issues of gender and law.