
October 14 NEWW Reflection and Party!!!

Ann Snitow, Associate Professor of Literature and Gender Studies, Director of the Gender Studies Program at the New School, co-founder of the Network of East-West Women in 1991

Malgorzata Tarasiewicz, Director of the Network of East-West Women

Reflections on twenty years of East-West collaboration

Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.

at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies

New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)

All friends and members of NEWW are invited to the party afterwards at the loft (167 Spring St. Bell #3, between Thompson St. and West Broadway), starting around 7pm.





“Policing Microbes and People: Raw Milk Politics in Post-Socialist Europe”

Please join us this Friday, September 23rd at 1:00 PM for Feast and Famine colloquium, Room 1080, 10th Floor, 35 West 4th Street, NYU

Diana Mincyte joined the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies at NYU as Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow this Fall. Mincyte’s research lies at the intersection of food studies, economic sociology, and environmental studies. Her book focuses on diverse raw milk economies in post-socialist Lithuania to examine how European agro-food politics and sustainable development map on local practices and notions of risks, safety, and subsistence.

Please note that participants are asked to read papers in advance. To receive a copy of this week’s paper, please email Diana at [email protected].


Sept 9: Katherine Gregory, PhD, MS, MA, author of The Everyday Lives of Sex Workers in the Netherlands “The Everyday Lives of Transgendered Sex Workers in the Netherlands”

For more by the speaker, check out:

The Everyday Lives of Sex Workers in the Netherlands (Routledge Press: 2005)


A chapter on transgendered streetwalking in the following anthology:

Transgender Identities: Towards a Social Analysis of Gender Diversity, Sally Hines and Tam Sanger (eds). New York; Routledge. April 2010



Fall 2011 schedule: Sex! and a birthday party

Sept 9

Katherine Gregory, PhD, MS, MA, author of The Everyday Lives of Sex Workers in the Netherlands

“The Everyday Lives of Transgendered Sex Workers in the Netherlands”

Oct. 14

Ann Snitow, Associate Professor of Literature and Gender Studies, Director of the Gender Studies Program at the New School, co-founder of the Network of East-West Women in 1991

Malgorzata Tarasiewicz, Director of the Network of East-West Women

Reflections on twenty years of East-West collaboration

(followed by 20th birthday party for the Network East-West Women at Ann Snitow’s, 167 Spring St. Bell #11, between West Broadway and Thompson St)

Nov. 4

Anna Louie Sussman, freelance journalist, Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

“Sex and the State: The Disappearance of Turkey’s Legal Sex Trade”

Dec. 2

Katerina Liskova, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies Program, Masaryk University

“Beyond Belief?  Religious Conservatives and Sex Education in the Czech Republic”


Fridays 4:30-6:00 p.m.

at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies

New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)