
Friday, May 8: Ermira Danaj on women in post-1990 Albanian migration

Ermira Danaj,
Ph.D. candidate,
Center for the Understanding of Social Processes,
University of Neuchatel, Switzerland,
and women’s rights activist

“Exploring Practices and Strategies of Women
in the Post-1990 Albanian Migration”

Ermira Danaj , currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Center for the Understanding of Social Processes at the University of Neuchatel, writes on gender and migration in Albania. Since 2002 she has worked on projects concerning gender, poverty, and migration in Albania with international and national organizations. From 2009 to 2012 she was a lecturer on feminist theory at the European University of Tirana, Albania. She has participated widely in the Albanian print and TV media to promote women’s rights and denounce gender inequalities, and is the coauthor of reports and publications about gender issues in Albania. She was a Fulbright visiting scholar at the Transregional Center for Demoracy Studies and Department of Gender Studies at the New School, New York (February-May 2013), and a visiting researcher at the CIES, ISCTE-IUL (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology at the University Institute of Lisbon), in Portugal (2013-2014).

4:30 – 6 p.m.
at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)
for more information, contact the center at 212-998-3838 or [email protected]

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