
Spring 2012 Schedule

 Spring 2012 Schedule

New York University
Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
and the Network of East-West Women

                                                                                                           present the

     Gender and Transformation: Women in Europe

  • January 27

 OKSANA KIS, Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Columbia University, President of the Ukrainian                                                   Association for  Research in Women’s History.              

      “Reclaiming the Political: The Meaning of Women’s Day. Feminist Activism in Ukraine Today.” 

  •   February 17

              KATALIN FABIAN, Associate Professor, Government and Law, Lafayette College

                    “Overcoming Disempowerment: The Home-Birth Movement in Hungary”

  •  March 23

                ANABELA ZIGOVA,  Artist and Filmmaker,                                               
                  Film:  Salto Mortale . On confronting  the communist past, the “legacy of silence

                              and young Slovaks

                (This meeting will be from 4:30-6:30 PM)

  • April 6.

               ANDREA KRISZAN, Research Fellow, Center for Policy Studies,  Central  European  University

            “Institutionalizing Intersectionality? Changing European Equality Policies: A Comparison of   

                    Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovenia.”

  • May 18.

              DELINA FICO, Director for Civil Society Programs, East West Management Institute, New  York, NY; Board Chair, Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network;

                                   Women’s rights activist, Albania.                   

              “On Mainstreaming Gender in Political Activism in Kosova and Albania. 

                How Women’s Groups Contribute to Political Debate and Activism.” 

  • June 1    


 Friday 4:30-6:00 p.m.

at the Center for European and Mediterranean Studies

New York University
285 Mercer Street, 7th floor
(between Waverly and Washington Place)

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