Gender and Transformation: Women in Europe Workshop
NYU Center for European & Mediterranean Studies
Friday, March 13
Anna Ehrhart
PhD candidate in political science,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mid-Sweden University/Sweden;
Research Fellow at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII)
PhD candidate in political science,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at Mid-Sweden University/Sweden;
Research Fellow at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII)
“Women’s Organizations: Linking Formal Politics and Civil Society in Times of Undemocratic Uncertainty—Experiences from Contemporary Turkey”
53 Washington Square South,
3rd Floor East,
4:30–6 p.m.
Anna Ehrhart is a PhD candidate in political science at Mid-Sweden University
in Sundsvall, Sweden, and a visiting PhD researcher at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey. In 2018–2019, Ehrhart was a research fellow at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII), conducting fieldwork in Turkey as part of her PhD research. Her research interests include women’s political representation, women’s civil society engagement, de-democratization processes, and gender politics. In her PhD dissertation, “Women’s political representation and civic engagement in contexts of democratic transition,” Ehrhart studies practices of linking and building relationships drawing on the experiences of women’s organizations and women politicians in contemporary semi-democratic Turkey.
All are welcome, but you must RSVP to Sonia Jaffe Robbins
The workshop meets at NYU’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
53 Washington Square South, 3rd floor East
4:30–6 p.m.
For details on the workshop series, see our blog: