
Spring 2013 Signs cluster on women in Russia + Hajkova on sexual barter in times of genocide

Sign Journal of Women in Culture and Society’s most recent issue includes the winner of the 2013 Catharine Stimpson Prize, Anna Hájková’s “Sexual Barter in Times of Genocide: Negotiating the Sexual Economy of the Theresienstadt Ghetto.” Hájková’s article relates a remarkable story about gender power in a transit camp operated by the Nazi SS, in which female sexual and social favors were traded for food, protection, and symbolic capital among inmates. The issue also includes a series of articles on women in contemporary Russia and concludes with a number of explorations of gender in popular culture, from present-date representations of Emma Bovary to burgeoning expressions in hip-hop feminism. Read more about the issue contents here or view the issue on JSTOR.

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